Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Tawau Sabah

barubaru ni aku pegi sabah. such a very exciting moment ever. it's about 2 years aku tak jejak kaki kat Sabah ni. i went there with my beloved mother.. just two of us.

with my beloved mother. orang sabah pggil beliau as orang bungkus.. panjang ceritanye. lau ade masa dan ketika aku cerita ok. ngehehhee
alkisahnye atuk kat sabah ni teringin sangat nak jumpa mama. urgent katanye. so, atuk sponsored kitorang punye tiket pegi balik. best kan? jgn  jeles2~ huuu...
kesian ayah . abey ngn adek xdapat join. da nasib badan. nak buat acane kan?

sorila kena sengetkan kple skit. malas nak edit.. hehehe.. gambar bersama atuk terchenta! 

 family gathering.. mestilah best!  ramai sangat.. yang datang. kitorang makan2. bual2. ketawa2. hmm rindu plak ngan dorang..
gambar ni ambil time kat rumah uncle mahat. gadis ayu cantik kiut miut yang pakai tudung kaler kelabu kat balakang buai tula isteri tercinta uncle mahat. aunty Nor empunye diri..

yang ni pulak time kat rumah uncle aji.. tu ha yang pakai baju kaler merah tu.. uncle aji ni adik my mum. baik orangnye.. samela dgn istrinye~ 

still kat uma uncle aji.  ni hari last aku kat sabah. kitorang bual2 sampai kol 12 malam. then sambung lg sampai kol 3.. best yang amat..  <3

bila da kat sabah aq bru ter-perasan yang masa kat sini cepat satu jam dari kelantan dn negeri2 kat semenanjung. betul. aku sendiri, time first day kat sabah, bajet nak bangun subuh jam 6.00 pg..  awal latu. bila da bangun. hambek ko.. cerahnye duniee~ macam da pkol 7.00pg..


lagi satu, lau nak solat memang kelam kabut.. jam 11pg da zohor. 3ptg asar, 5ptg magrib, 6ptg isyak.. hahaha ni baru kat malaysia bukan oversea lg da shocked.. apadaa~

tapi bagus jgak. mungkin Allah nak kita rase dkt dgn Dia kan. so selalula berbaik sangka dgn Allah.. <3

Tersentuh Hati.

tersentuh hati ni.. time pegi rumah uncle P (takyah la mention name ye..  :) ) ... rumah dorang kat sabindo lau xsilap la. da lupe.. dia ade 3 orang anak. semuanye anak angkat. istri dia org indonesia. ade passport, but ,da terbakar sbb rumah dorang tebakar hari tu.. so, sampai sekarang xde pasport. asyik larikan diri ngan polis jee.. yela nanti kena tangkap , then hantar kat indon. sape nak jage anak dorang kan?

yang lg sedih. anak dorang yang sulung tu xde surat beranak. i/c? lagila xde.. da darjah 6 da pon. tahun ni la UPSR.. taun depan da masuk form 1.. hensem orangnye.. tapi kesian. time aq kat rumah uncle P  ni . budak ni xnak keluar pon ckp ngan kitorang. malu katenye, tapi last2 keluar jugak.. sayu je tgk muke budak tu. tak pandang pon muke kitorang ni. pandang lantai je~ . satu patah tanye, satu patah  yang dy jawab.. hmm

tension agaknye.. mana tak nye.. lau harihari cg tanye surat beranak. then jawab xde.. mestilah down budak tu. cg siap tanye lg ada saudare or spupu tak? then dy jwb xtahu. dah anak angkat. manelah dy tau kan?

anak no. 2 cacat. lelaki. kiut orangnye~ dy just pandai senyum je.. samela ngn abangnye. xde surat branak jgak...

anak no 3 astma. perempuan. comel sangatsangat. yang ni nampak bijak tau. tapi ye la kan. da astma. susah la skit nak jd cergas mcm kanak2 yang sama umur ngan dy..

uncle P tu tak keje. stiap hari dy just duduk kat masjid. harapkan yang doa dy tu ditrima Allah.

tapi. bila fikir balik. lau berdoa je. takkan la Allah nak makbulkan terus doa dy tu kan. kenalah ade usaha jgak. kenalah ade usaha hantar anak dy yang sakit tu pegi hospital. bkan asyik urut je.. kenalah ade usaha buat surat beranak tu..

surat beranak tu penting kot. untuk masa depan. lau nak masuk uni nanti, macam mana? tu masa dpan anak dy. dy kena jaga..

memanglah berat mata memandang. berat lg bahu memikul...

tapi.. entahlah..

cg pon kena amik berat soal anak murid dy.. cg mana yang suka tgok student dy gagal dlam hidop kan? xkan lah xd usaha nak rapatkan diri dgn student tu. tanya masalah dy. rapat dgn student tu. so, baru la boley kenal n samesame tolong student tu.. ye tak?
just my opinion..

time kat rumah uncle P tu. airmata ni. Allah je yang tau. memang da nak terkeluar da. tahan je la.. sebak betol.. ade lagi yang susah daripada aq rupenye~ sabar ye dik.. :')
insyaAllah masih boleyh diusahakan. nanti kita jumpa lg ye :))


last day kat Sabah memang best. 8 hari kat situ. berbaloi2. banyak pengalaman yang aq dapat..  :) hopefully Allah akan sentiasa bantu kitorang jadi muslimin dan muslimah yang baikbaik belaka..

ingat!  biar sikit tapi consistent. then baru la upgrade.. understand :)


with atok terchenta

kat airport

hate to say goodbye

with my dearest aunty fatt and aunty zeera :)

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


jiji was a name for a cat
a cat that i love most, that shares everything with me. that understand me :)

jiji ni comey sangatsangat, pandai, dan faham apeje yang aq suruh. panggil name je. then, she will surely came to me.

hari tu, hari last aq kat uma. since aq da study kat cyberjaya. so, mlm tu aq btolak from klantan to cyber by bus. aq tengok je jiji puaspuas petang tu.
dy macam nak aq peluk dy.
aq pulak bla tengok badan dy tu kotor smacam je. macam mls pulak nak bermanje ngan dy petang tu..

alah. takpelah tak bermanje ngan jiji petang ni. malam ni sbulum bertolak aq boley je peluk cium dy lagi. kan?

bila da malam, tengah sibuksibuk nak angkt beg and salam femly sempat say bubye je ngan jiji...

then, sampai cyber...

kat cyber lau tak silap aq, hari tu aq tgh sibuksibuk study , ye lah kan ad test time tu...
tapi ade satu hari tu. aq rase sedeyh je. xtau knape.. sayu~

aq nanges. tapi xtau sebab ape..

beberapa hari lepas tu, my mum kol.. kitorang bebual la macam biasa.. hepi je~
then, mama ad crita sal jiji.

mama cakap jiji da mati...
mati sebab keracunan makanan..
pada hari yang sama aq rasa sedeyh hari tu~

aq rasa cam xtau nak rasa ap. menyesal?  tak pecaya? sedeyh?
lau fikir balik, padan muka aq.. i deserve it!

aq balikbalik tanye mak aq..
mama betol tak ni. jangan mainmain.. aq tak pecaya

bila fikir balik. taktau nak cakap ap.. menyesal sangatsangat...
hari last aq kat uma dapat jumpa jiji. aq tak guna betolbetol...
asyikasyik tangguh. tangguh tangguh tangguh je keje~

sekarang menyesal je la keje nye kan..


bila balik rumah. sayu je.. biasanye nampak je jiji memanjat sana sini atas sofa rumah. mengiau mintak makan. geselgesel kat kaki.. alah rindunye~

sekarang ni..
da ad anyau(kucing) baru. name dy po'ko(aq yang bagi nama dy)
anyau ni comey sangat . adik aq yang adopt dy from kawan dy..

memang la best ad ahli baru dalam family

tak sama.
tak sama macam jiji

totally different.

papepon aq bersyukur sebab anyau baru ni buat femly aq hepi.
aq tengok dengan adenye po'ko ni.. ayah ngan mak aq, senangsenag je boley gelak tengok perangai dy
macam best
memang best pon.. :)

moral of d story:
hargailah ape yang korang ade. dan jangan suka tangguh tangguh  tau
tengok da jadi macam aq. menyesal taksudah...

memang la ad antara kalian yang cakap aq ni mengarut sbb post pasal kucing.. tapi aq anggap kucing aq ni as one of my family members.. she was my friend

and she is a cat
 i love her

i truly miss u jiji  <3

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Bulatan Gembira (An Nasr)

surah : An Nasr

                بسم الله الرحمن الرحي


Apabila datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan (semasa engkau wahai Muhammad berjaya menguasai negeri Makkah), -
Dan engkau melihat manusia masuk dalam ugama Allah beramai-ramai, -
Maka ucapkanlah tasbih dengan memuji Tuhanmu dan mintalah ampun kepadaNya, sesungguhnya Dia amat menerima taubat.

pada usrah kali ini,kak yan ajar kitorang (budak kirkby) on surah an nasr. perkataan yang paling penting ialah kemenangan & tasbih tu. link sangat ngan kitorang punye situations sekarang ni. kitorang baru je habis exam and rasa lega sangatsangat sebab da habis exam.

1. Bertasbih
kak yan pesan dalam ape jua kemenangan yang kita dpt maka bertasbihlah. maksudnye, sebaik sahaja rasa kemenangan tu, cepatcepatlah bertasbih memuji Allah. tu lah perkara first yang kita akan buat sebelum yeay! yes! ojyeah! and others. ok

2. Ada 2 nikmat yang manusia selalu lupa..
first, kesihatan dan masa lapang. 
korang pernah tak rasa cam boring sangatsangat macam takde keje padahal.. belambak je pon keje... then menyesal tak siapkan keje... tu lah tandanya korang da bazirkan masa lapang korang...so, gunalah nikmat yang Allah bagi tu sebaikbaiknye~

3. Masa tu penting!
masa itu ialah kehidupan (Hassan Al Banna)
apa yang kita buat dengan masa kita, itulah yang menunjukkan kehidupan kita..
nak ke hidup dalam siasia? think about it :)

4. Mutaba'ah amal
apa tu mutaba'ah amal? mutaba'ah amal ni macam to do list la. cara untuk kita follow up kita punya amal. sempena bulan cuti ni, memang patut la buat mutaba'ah amal to prevent us from wasting our masa lapang! kan :) . hidup pon lebih bermatlamat. yaya ade bg tips nak bagi hidup ni bermatlamat. caranye: tulis ur long term goal and short term goal.. besarbesar kat tempat yang korang senang tengok. so, ia akn motivate diri korang utk capai those goals.
understand :)

5.  Beramal time period.
biasanya, time period, ramai kaum hawa akn bg excuses utk b'ibadah. ye la kan memang la Allah bagi cuti time tu kan :) . kelebihan kite. ye tak? ngehehehe~ tapi, kita still ade benda len yang kita bley buat utk tunjukkan rasa cinta kita kat Allah.. how? bak kata Naney (the famous blogger) hihi.. kaum hawa yang comeylotey ni boley la luangkan masa yang terluang tu dengan bertasbih, berdoa, baca terjemahan Al-Quran, sapesape yang da hafal Al-Quran tu, time ni la anda boley refresh balik. , hafal surah, dan boley juga baca Al Ma'thurat.. oleh itu, xsusa pon sebenanya~ just pilih salah satu je, salah 2,3,4 dan seterusnya pon boley.. untuk kebaikan bersama kan?

6. Kawen muda
topik ni macam lari topik ngan surah an Nasr kan? tapi kitorang ade la jugak bincang sal topik ni. ye la, sekarang kawen muda kan tgh hot. topik plg sensasi. hehe.. kak yan cakap, you are too young to think about this. betol apa yang kak yan cakap. kitorang masih muda lg. dan aq je yang duk menggatal sal kawen ni.. ngeh3.. berubah nilan,. berubah.. nak kawen tuboley. tapi DAH READY KE?

tu je lah note bulatan gembira kali ni..
slmat beramal.

Monday, 15 October 2012

HHH~ a contribution to my beloved

assalamualaikum and hi!
with my dearest classmates (shellians)

good evening everyone <3
well, at the beginning of this month, i have joined a programme called Futsal Fiesta that held by kirbytes in order to accomplished our last assignment in co-curricular subject.

the best part is, i don't have to join the match because i have been appointed to be the treasurer. good for me, because i'm such a loser in sport. hahaha~

unfortunately, i need to make other works that is much more complicated than playing in that match as a futsal player... so many works to do.. calculated these and that.. so many numbers. and i cannot stand with numbers.. arghhh..

yeah! serves me right!...

at the end of that programme i do obtain many benefits as
: i learnt how to make a formal letter to request funding for that programme
: i learnt the management of the flow of the programme.
:many more ngehehe~

ok.. now back to the main topic..

HHH~ a contribution to my beloved

well, this is my jersey for my futsal team. SHELLIANS~ 
 why HHH? 
 it is because these are my favourite triple letters. . .

the first H: 
Harimi... which is my beloved father. dear ayoh, i know that you have faced a lot of hardship..that's why i always love u~ <3 <3
ayoh hensem kiut miut, ore sayee' oyoh sangat.. tenkiu deh sbb jago ma, abey, adek, atuk nga ore.
jgn sedeyhsedeyh.. ore akn jd supo hop ayoh nok... ok smile!
i love you. muahmuah~ jasamu kukenang

the second H:
Hamisah.. my favourite girl. the cutest, kindest, mom ever..
mama comey kiut miut, mesti la ore sayee' ma. ma kea hop sokmo jage ore.. slamo blaja di prantauan ni (prasey jauh, KL jah pom) ore rindu sopmo! sro nok plukpluk ciumcium jah.. wee~ i love u muahmuah...
rindu sup ayee' mama! heheh

the third H:
i think i want to make it as a secret for this moment.. can i?
no. i can't! to avoid others from making any assumptions.. the truth is~
this last H is refer to
husband yaa.. husband.. sounds ridiculous right. no i do not care ( sometimes i do care) huhu
this is my jersey. i paid for it.. so, i deserve it
i deserve for these three letters. . .  ngehngehngeh~~
<3 H <3 H <3 H

to conclude, no matter what happen, i love you maayahabeyadek.. and my beloved third H.
the most important is Allah.. thank you Allah for giving me such a happy family. i <3 u

and i love them because of you (Allah)..

dadadadaaaaa ^___^

Thursday, 13 September 2012


i know i should't but....

let bygone be bygone .. right?

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

nak bermang-lish la hari ni. ><
sayang sangat-sangat dengan nombor-nombor kat atas tu..
bagi yang boleh translate nombor tu, taniah! ..
dalam persahabatan ni perkataan sabar tu penting sangat.
biasalah, sakit hati, sedih, rasa menyampah, annoying..hahhaa
lame2 yang annoying tu lha.. yang akn kte slalu cari. kan?
memang pon! ><

sabar tu penting. tolak ansur pon penting dalam persahabatan..
kite kna slalu amal tau..

tau tak kenapa?
sebab. nanti lau kte susah. ade problems ke, nak mnta tolong k
dorang la yang tolong kte.. secara ikhlas..
itula gunanye sahabat sejati

lau "sahabat" tu takde ,time kte mnta tolong, think tve. it doesn't mean that they're not our bestie anymore
bagi mereka masa. mungkin dorang sibuk kot...
think positive,

"kalau anda nak menjadi penyejuk hati suami anda, first, kenala jadi penyejuk hati keluarga dan sahabat anda dulu" Fatimah Syarha.
mesti smua gadis2 comey lotey kat luar tu nak jadi penyejuk mata husband dorang.. kan..

onyonyonyonyonyo.. comeyy

dear sahabat, for you.. :))) muah3 <3


Monday, 6 August 2012

how muslims CONTRIBUTE to the world

assalamualaikum  and hi!!
FYI, i stayed at home during the holiday of Nuzul Al-Quran.. just 4 of my room mate and i. 
in that biiiiiiiiiiiig house..  nghehehe :)
but i kind of get use with it.. 
(so, sayee tak kesaaa sgt... tapi lau teringat rumah kat kg tu mmg kesah. kesah sangat..!! rindu mayahabeyadekkk!!)
ok, stop nilan.. back to the TOPIC! yeah..
i'm so bored at home, since i'm too lazy to read books, novels or other reading materials.. i watch a video on youtube. i want to spend this weekend wisely. then, i remember  on this video-> click this link if u want to watch it!! :)  the duration of it is for about 2 hours.. if you want to save your 2 hours time.. u can read my summary on it.. hehehe
so, enjoy dear :)

1.The quality of a muslim is more important rather than the number of muslims.
2.do what is right and prevent what is wrong.
3.come back to AL QURAN. AL QURAN is the way of life.
4.everything must worship ALLAH.
5.we av d responsibitity in this topic.do ur responsibilty and let ALLAH decide on him/her.
6.Rasulullah is a living AL QURAN
7.relationship with ALLAH is like a love story. not based on halal haram.
8.Rasulullah always said ALLAH is close to our intentions, not in our sins .
9.Be in touch with ALLAH always.
10.Rasulullah is our mercy. he is welcoming.
11.must love ALLAH.
12.always gives salam. to a mosque. house.(for d invisible)
13.why do we follow RASULULLAH?->he's the model,he help us to get to ALLAH.
14.only ONE god= ALLAH.
15.r/ship with ALLAH is communicate with ALLAH.
16.make ALLAH loves u.

           [do what u said]
           RASULULLAH= sodiqulamin. (truthful.trustful) [d qualities consistent]
           happy with what u're not doing= hipocracy
           struggling against your contradictions= sincerity.

1.convert/change the way u look at things.
  *look at nature. convert d way u look at things.thank ALLAH (the starting point)
     nature as a gift to us ok. say thank you! ALHAMDULILLAH :)
  *the way u look at d world is like mirror.
  *if ure neglecting your nature, you're neglecting you're heart.
  *look at d ordinary. change the way you look at poor people.
  *the way you're loved by d poor. is the sign you're loved by ALLAH.
2.understanding with your heart.
  *not with ur mind= it will turn to arrogance
  *be close, respect,love  with ur parents.family
  *appreciate ur family. take care of ur own family.
  *protect women.
  *rasulullah was fragile.he himself, asking for help from his wife khadijah. when he is in problem.
   *another name of AL QURAN= az zikr, an nur,
   *Bilal-a black muslim.=asian must remember it's about taqwa that we're talking not about our skin colour.
   *the limit of our rationality= we heard n we obey on ALLAH.
3.behave accordingly
  *follow d massenger
  *trust,love ALLAH. everything happen is a rahmah. not a condemnation
  *islam is not about being harsh but it is about being right.
  *what is right= islamic. what is wrong= not islamic. but sometimes others do right.
     so we can take the right things from others.
  *islam make things easy to everyone.
  *you must rely on AL QURAN n SUNNAH.
  *follows rasulullah's akhlak.
  *4 important qualities-->1.confidence.(don't doubt on Allah's power)
                                      2.trust. (in communities)
                                      4.courage. the best jihad is by telling the truth.

4.connect. tauhid.
  *all f us is just d same. we come from the same god(ALLAH).
  *islam is preparing yourself for the hereafter.
  *you must celebrate this life with d right principle.
  *never think that your body, the earth is yours. you r here to come back to ALLAH. 
   ONE DAY U WILL  DIE.remember! if u want to have good life with ALLAH never forget that u will die.
 *education is essential!we educate our school is to stress on meaning. 
 * the deep understanding: fiqh
 *protect education with knowledge.
 *edu. is not about ignoring it. it's about talking about it.
 *muslim must not distinguishing between muslim n non-muslim. when d people are victim 
    they are still  victim! we are on d side of d poor.
 *from annisa'-> when a jew is innocent, his innocent. when a muslim is guilty, his guilty.

  *aware of global warming.don't make animal suffer!
  *care about nature.
  *global warming-> it is not our property. we must take good care of it.
  *don't make waste! when eating.
  *take ur time when eat. to eat fast is not meaning to eat well.
  *respect what is given to us.
  *fasting is to make the world aware!
  *don't eating to much during ramadhan
  *eat less. think more!

   *music is halal. if it is not melalaikan.
   *creativity. it is not just in song. show ur creativity in others! be imaginative!
   *culture is essential! because it makes us feel good.
  *to feel good is halal.
  *make art as a contribution to the world!

  1.don't nurture the victim mentality.
  2.if ure facing problem.remember!-> if u ask urself. is it god loving me?= then u'll know that there is
     still love between u n ALLAH.
  3.if you're aware with something bad then you're not far with something good.
  4.rasulullah said-> if u r asking d question, it means ALLAH is within the question. (based on no.2)
  5.learn to forgive yourself.
  6.when "doa" start it with yourself. then others.
  7.ALLAH will accept your taubah if you're sincere.
  8.when u meet people that is non-muslim. just welcoming d question before making any judgement.
  9.don't forget. take good care of yourself. take time for your heart, mind, and body,
  10.spread the love in your community.
  11.love needs repetition.

i think that's all for me..
ringan-ringankan lah tangan anda ye dgn tambah point-point saye tu yee. 
i'm still learning. . .
dadadaaaaa :))

beetles AND roses.

 assalamualaikum and hi!
this is the summary of what had been talked by brother aiman azlan and and sister wardina during an event    of  beetles and roses at taylor's university.
i'm thankful to ALLAH because that event have been recorded and posted on youtube.
even though i can't  join the event , watching the video is such a happy thing for me.
thank you :)
so, enjoy reading yaa! :))

1.communicate only when there's something urgent (studies)
2.always listen to your heart( it can detect the sin, and beware of your mind)

b.HOW TO LOVE?(sister Wardina)
1.meet a stranger
2.standing to each other and talking about yourself with that stranger.
3.staring each other for 4 min.
4.get attracted with each other.
5.fall in love
6.get married.
take note! when u fall in love. ask yourself. are u fall in love or is it just lust?
think about it.

c.IS DATING HALAL?(brother Aiman Azlan)
1.halal... if you're married :)
2.be romantic with your husband n wife
3romantic scene of Rasulullah:
  Rasulullah love Aisyah just like a knot on a rope. then Aisyah ask. how is the knot now? just like before :)
 Aisyah's necklace lost in desert n Rasulullah ask the entire army to look for it. to prove his love to his wife when Aisyah is in her period, she drank water n Rasullullah drank the same place of the glass(at aisyah's lips)
4.attach ur love to ALLAH SWT. .
5.that love is true if it brings you close to ALLAH.
6.the end of your marriAge: go to jannah! <3
7.if u want to love someone, think is it ALLAH please with your action?. think. think.think.
8.love is not madness! love is not addiction!
9.seek the love from ALLAH.
10.sign of marriage: its point u to ALLAH SWT. if not. think. am i doing it right?

1.love start with communication
2.back to reality. if u love someone . love her/him because of ALLAH SWT.
3.be realistic.after married everything is just about responsibility.
4.when u fall in love. you'll never realize the bad of him/her
5.before getting married, u must know what are the characteristics of your spouse.
6.love ALLAH first before loving ALLAH'S slave.
7.statistic shows that love before  marriage will not last longer.
8.must compatible with each other (husband&wife)

1.say no to islamic couple. (syaitan itu licik. dy gna muka islamic to approve love before marriage)
2.jgn tpdaya dgn bnyi2 islamik. THINK ISLAMIC.
3.if u want to get married. u must serious.know ur aim!
4.if u want it. show your effort! (in a positive way)
5.maturity depends on your experience
6.are u ready? if yes? just go with it. ALLAH will complete it for u
7.choose a spouse for your children not for yourself. (think beyond yourself)
8.parenting start before marriage n d first children that you'll raise is yourself!
9.marriage is your investment to go to JANNAH.
10.marriage is between 2 families.
11.go get married but please READY for it.

1.three important things-know how to get the conscious of love (emotional intelligence)
                                   - success in love depends on how u regulate(kawal) your love.
                                   - love for finding the overall happiness.
2.find your motivation.
3.before loving anyone else love yourself first. (LOVE ALLAH FIRST THEN YOURSELF)

brother Aiman Azlan :marriage is a beautiful thing.
                                 it is so beautiful till i myself,don't want to have a girl friend.
                                 xsiapa tau jodoh kita. hanya ALLAH SWT.
                                be active! islam is a proactive religiOns.

 sister Wardina   :dont ruin ur life for bad love,
                         if u have d feeling.and you're not ready yet. keep it to yourself.
.                         if there is jodoh just get married.
                          tahan hawa nafsu dengan takuti kebesaran ALLAH SWT.

ok that's all from me.
if there is any mistakes. correct it for me ok..
just want to share it with you guys

Saturday, 21 July 2012

miss you

assalamualikum kawankawan :) ^ ^
i MISS you :'(
hmm i don't know how to say it...
today is the first RAMADHAN.
well, before this, i could BERPUASEE with both of you and also with my 2 cute little brothers and atok during Ramadhan
since that i am studying at Kirkby and the administrator will never approve for any request of the students that want to go home and celebrate the fasting month with their family, so. here am I, at my lovely hostel at Cyberia Cresent 1 at cyberjaya with my housemates.
it's really sad, break the fast without your beloved one besides you
now i know how it feels.
i miss every second of my time with them.
i'm totally homesick
i miss the way of my brothers calling my name
i miss the way my father babbling to me
i miss the way my mother calling me baby.. hehehe <3 u mummy muah3
i miss the way my grandfather recite the dua upon breaking the fast. he has problem with his ears. so when there is azan. he couldn't listen to it..
and he will recite such a very long doa.. until one of my brothers told him about it.
i really miss all of you..
i think i can do it. 
dear 17.08.2012, i will be waiting for you
i just can't wait to go home

one thing that i want to do is
i want to HUG all of you.

i LOVE you
and i really mean it..

happy RAMADHAN dear..
sampai jumpa! 

Monday, 16 July 2012

la taghdab

assalamualaikum everybody :)
hey it's KELATEY time!
hmm ambe bukey gapo. sajo wat tajuk gitu. tak tau la loni. sero po moody sopmo. 
tensyen dop tentu pasal
gak, mulo la nak senyap dop kecek.
doh selsemo dop abbih2 tu r jadi gitu.
la taghdab. pkatae ni ambo dengar from kakak usrah. 
dy oyap maroh gano pom kno sabar gak..
jange maroh . jange maroh. jange maroh
sabar niley wey...

dop lamo lg nok poso doh.
sedih la ugop, dop ley nk buko poso nge femly.
dop tau nk oyap gano.
ore laim best je boley kelik.
tapi dak po. dugaae kot
ALLAH nak uji la tu
tak po ni ujian ambe

nok oyap ko saem lake2..
slamat bepose deyh
sori r dop se pikin ari ni
ngeehehehe lamo da tok berke latey!


Wednesday, 25 April 2012

dedicated to pn marjan bt elias :)

dear pn marjan
i want to thank you a lot for giving me and other students of Kirkby International College such a beautiful, amazing, lovely assignments

that is making

 b.l.o.g ---------->
i know that maybe there are a lot of students out there are jealous with this kind of assignment. .
sorry to let you down..
just want to say thank you . and i have just  a little request..
could you cook something and bring it to our class and we enjoy it togethergether?

hehehe just kidding.. just kidding.. . . (but you still can bring it if you want to) hehehe
ok that's all for now
thank you pn marjan . .  :)

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

my hobbies

hi there :)

From my own dictionary. . i think that  hobby is an activity that we do during our leisure time and it can make ourselves satisfied with it. so, when i ask myself. what are my hobbies? i answered that i love to listen to song and it does makes me happy, i also enjoy singing,

 i love drawing especially cartoon and sometimes anime. next i also love eating

 especially junk food. . well it's delicious, and i can't stop myself from eating it. hehehe :) okay. where am i?
hahaha sorry. .  back to my hobbies. . okay. and i have this one activity that i love most.  
writing diary. :) 

in my diary i write everything that i like by using my own code writing. . it does make me satisfied and sometimes it release my stress.

moreover, in my diary. i also draw cartoon, keeps everything that i think it is valuable for me included the plastic of candies & cadbury. .   love cadbury so much much much much!!!

now, my Diary looks like scrapbook and the best part is. no one understands the writing. . .in it yeah!

just a song to share with all of you :)

to conclude,
sometimes our hobbies are the best way of us in expressing our emotion. .
do appreciate it 
dadadadadadadadaaaa :)

fried mushrooms

assalamualaikum lovely readers..

i really want to go home. and the first food that i want to eat is. the fried mushroom
it is super deliciousss

how to make  fried mushrooms?

the ingredients:

200 gm of wash and clean the oyster mushrooms. torn two if the size is large.
3 tablespoon of flour
1 tablespoons of goreng pisang Adabi flour
1 tablespoons of rice flour
a few of salt
1 teaspoon of sesame

1.put all of the ingredients into a bowl.add some water and mix it well.if possible make sure that the flour is a little bit thick so that it can stick well with the mushrooms.

2. heat the oil to fry it. dip the mushrooms into the flour and fry it until it turns to brown in colour. after that, drained the mushrooms on the tissue before serving it with dipping sauce.

as a result----------->

dipping sauce:

4 tablespoons of chilli sauce
1 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoons of water
dip it in the sauce and enjoy! :)

dadadadadadaaaaaaaadadaaa :)