assalamualaikum <3
hey. it's me nilan. i just want to tell you about my life with my lovely friend in KIRKBY. . especially with my bestFRIEND
- my roomMate . her name is Siti Hajar Binti Hassan, i call her haJOE . . from terengganu, cute, beautiful girl, caring, she loves songs, happygolucky, independent, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, and BEAUTIFUL. . YEAH!!

hajoe made this one. thank you hajoe . . hehe :)
a real friend is hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to leave right! :)
this is our room
isn't it cuuuuuteeeeee yea!!~
2. next, my bestfriend. . syumeylaaaa. . her name is Syumailah Danh Sapry,from Kelantan . i call her, syu, syu-mai-la, meksyu,mektok, and others. . she is hyperactive, sometimes overEnergetic or maybe ALWAYS hahaha. she loves cat, (me also), she is kind, cute, cute, cute and . . . cute. >,-
a real friends always going to be by your sides, even at times you tell them to leave :)
friends are like walls, sometimes you lean on them, and sometimes its just enough to know they're there :)
lastly, there are some picture of my HouseMATE and Classmates yeeeha! enjoyyy
sayaaanng kamu :)
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